How To Turn Your LIfe Around In Eight Simple Steps Using the Law of Attraction and the Energy of Your Chakras

Emma Lucy Wall
5 min readDec 23, 2020

Chapter 1 — The Animal Realm

So where do you start?

How do you begin to turn your life around?

After all, it’s been a number of decades in the making and I suspect that some of your ways of being are pretty firmly entrenched.

The first thing you need to do is to commit — to some kind of change — right here, right now.

It is super helpful at this stage to project yourself three years into the future. Launch your rockets of desire into the Universe and see, hear, feel, taste and smell what your life will be like three years from now.

Ideas are floating around us all all the time. Allow yourself to disappear into a real reverie. Wave an imaginary magic wand over your life. Be a genie for the next five minutes and BE the life you have always wanted — in this present moment, AS IF it has already manifested for you.

It’s really important to hold that vibration in your cells for at least 78 seconds. You are sending that energy out into the Universe and the Universe has no choice but to send that energy back to you.

Once you have taken hold of these ideas, you need to ground them. This is where I like to use the energy of the root chakra. The root chakra sits at the base of your torso — at your perineum. If you sit cross legged on the floor, your root chakra will be directly connected to the ground. Imagine these ideas — these seeds of your desires coming down from the top of your head, down the length of your spine and into your root chakra. Then visualise roots growing out of your root chakra and into the ground. See the seeds of your desire falling through these roots and into the ground. Surrender them to the Earth and know that they are safely planted and ready to germinate in Divine timing.

Now we begin the process of creativity. The Sacral Chakra is located at the reproductive organs. In the womb for women and in the space where a womb isn’t in men. The Sacral energy is highly potent. It is also known as s*xual energy. At its fullest expression, this incredible energy creates new life. Many tantric practices circulate the energy. Tantric practitioners retain their orgasms in order to harness this powerful energy for creative pursuits and to heighten their s*xual pleasure. Allow this energy to build up in yourself. Bring your focus to your reproductive organs and feel the power there. Truly connect to your unlimited potential to create. This can take some time. Don’t rush. I’m talking days, weeks, even months. If you are not used to connecting with this energy, you need to allow yourself time to get to know it. Circling your hips is great for waking up this area. Circle one way, then the other, make figure 8s in the air with your hips. This can be more difficult for men who tend to have less mobility in the hip area. Go softly with yourself. Remember, changing decades of habit is not an overnight thing. As you awaken your creative energy, hold the seeds of your desire in your heart and your mind. Keep visualising yourself three years from now and tune into what steps you need to take today, tomorrow and next week to support the manifestation of your new life.

With these steps in mind, we are ready to move up to the next chakra. The Navel Chakra (also known as the Nabhi or the Dantien in Chinese energy work) is our power house. It’s where our courage and determination come from. Martial arts all originate from the Dantien. When you see someone karate chop a brick in two, they will be harnessing the power from this chakra. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and the opposite forces to courage and determination are fear and giving up. In this phase, we are being called upon to really change things. To change the whole of what we are used to. It is impossible to make real and lasting change without changing yourself, your environment, the people you hang out with, your beliefs and what you do. These things — our environment, the company we keep, what we believe and what we do are known as the paradigm. You were born into a particular paradigm. You have probably created your belief systems, made decisions to do things a certain way, chosen your friends, your partner, your job and your lifestyle because of messages and values that you have absorbed completely unconsciously. These subliminal messages come from your parents and therefore from their parents and all of your ancestors. They come from the society you were born into, from the schools you attended, from what one of my mentors (@VishenLikhiani) calls the Culturescape. And what most of us do as innocent, vulnerable little children is we accept this paradigm. We accept all the limitations that we perceive and we carry on doing what our families have done for centuries, maybe millenia. It is at this stage of the creation process that we need to harness all that power in the Navel Chakra. You can grow your strength here through exercise. Isn’t it interesting that, of all the exercises on offer, strengthening the abs probably attracts the most resistance. It is because harnessing that courage means coming out of your comfort zone. There is a line in Baz Lurhman’s sunscreen song which says “do something every day that scares you”. Every time you do something that scares you, you will get better and stronger at doing it. Remember, this growth must be consistent and it must be for always. You can always pull up that safety blanket of your comfort zone but you will never achieve your goals if that is what you choose. So get to know your Nabhi. Work it. Feel its power. Harness it whenever you can and make a different choice. Choose courage and move on up to the next chakra…



Emma Lucy Wall

Emma is a business coach who helps heart-centred entrepreneurs grow their businesses and their visibility, to make the world a better place for everyone