Turn Your Life Around In Eight Simple Steps Using the Law of Attraction and the Energy of Your Chakras

Emma Lucy Wall
3 min readDec 30, 2020

Chapter 2 — The Heart

I love the heart. The heart is the bridge between the Animal Realm, which is connected to the ground — our physical experience.

The animal realm is made up of the lower chakras — the root, the sacral and the navel all of which are concerned mostly with the physical world.

The heart connects the physical — the solid — to the etheric upper chakras which are described as the Angelic Realm. The heart is the home of love. And the love must start with you.

Who do you know who was with you when you were born? Who has taken every breath with you, who has trodden every step you have taken with you? Who has shared every thought and every experience you ever had with you? The answer, of course, is you.

I often reflect on the fact that my loved ones have lives of their own outside me. I think about my daughters, my parents, my siblings, my friends and it amuses me that they are with themselves 24/7 — just doing what they do and I have no idea what most of that is.

The only person whose life I know completely and utterly in every way is my own. And that is true of you and you and you. And that is why it is so so so important that we love ourselves, that we have our own backs, that we take care of ourselves like we would a newborn child. If you don’t take care of yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?

So the heart is the place where your love lives. Send it to yourself every day. Please. If you find this difficult, I encourage you to find practices to support you in this.

When I began my work on myself, I could not look in the mirror and tell myself “I love you”. It has taken years of committed and conscious practise to bring me to a place where I now can.

And I know that my experience is quite typical. We came from infinite love. Have you ever heard anyone who has had a near death experience describe their experience? From what I have heard, they go to a place so full of love it makes them almost burst when they describe it.

Love has an incredibly high vibration, as does gratitude and as does forgiveness. All of these emotions reside in the heart.

But be warned, so do bitterness, grudges and resentment.

What are you holding in your heart today? If it is any of those low vibration energies, I encourage you to do some forgiving.

I will write about forgiveness in another post. But in the meantime, you can find lots of guided meditations on the internet and I really encourage you to do them. If your grudges and bitterness are extreme and to particular people, I recommend a 40 consecutive day practice to really release it. Often these old resentments have been around for decades and they take time and repetition to dismantle.

Throughout the entire process, I encourage you to be soft and patient and kind and loving to yourself. We all make our decisions and act from the level of consciousness that we are at. If you are reading this, you are seeking a higher consciousness. Forgive yourself as well as everyone else. When we bring love into everything that we do, our manifestation is amplified. The Universe is love and it seeks out that vibration.

Next week, we will move into the Angelic Realm.

In the meantime, if you would like to connect with me and find out more about the work I am doing, you can schedule a time to. I am a business coach and I help heart centred business owners grow those businesses. I am passionate about supporting other coaches, healers and therapists to expand their businesses and to turn that potential into action and real results. Let’s double, treble or even 10 times your heart-centred business together. I’ll coach you for free. All you need to do is schedule a call with me here calendly.com/emmawall



Emma Lucy Wall

Emma is a business coach who helps heart-centred entrepreneurs grow their businesses and their visibility, to make the world a better place for everyone