What to do if you fall off the commitment horse

Emma Lucy Wall
3 min readDec 16, 2020

It is a well recognised fact that successful people pick themselves up after a fail. They stand up, brush themselves down and climb right back on that horse again.

We all fail. We all make mistakes. We all make decisions which take us down the wrong path. To err is human.

There is no shame in making mistakes. There is always something to learn from our mistakes.

If you can make a mistake, if you can admit to yourself what went wrong and examine it to discover what not to do in the future, you will grow.

None of us has all the answers today and we won’t have them all tomorrow. It is through trying, failing, succeeding, learning and repeating that we get closer to those answers.

Something that I have found hugely beneficial to growing myself — both personally and professionally — is working in community. When we belong to a community that loves and supports us and is better at forgiving our mistakes than we are ourselves, we are so much better placed to grow. When we have accountability and hold others accountable, we raise up our levels of personal responsibility.

It’s far too easy to not do the things we say we are going to do when we are working alone. It’s easy to become so overwhelmed by all the coulda shoulda woulda in this busy busy world we live in that we end up ignoring and reneging on our commitments to ourselves. This does not get us anywhere. Our businesses remain stagnant. Our potential remains unfulfilled. One of my teachers recently said these very powerful words “potential never gets results — NEVER”

It is action which gets results — showing up and doing what you do day after day and doing it to the absolute best of your ability. And, for whatever reason, many of us find it hard to do that for ourselves and much easier to do when we are in community. Actually the reason seems pretty obvious to me. Humans are tribal animals at a genetic level. Back in the caves, we would have pulled together, each one of us using our strengths to support the group and drawing on the strengths of other members of the group to support and mitigate our challenges.

I know we are not in the caves anymore but not much has changed. We still have strengths and we still have challenges. When we find our modern day tribes, we can grow our strengths and learn from each other to diminish those challenges.

I know that when I made the decision to work with my coach I started doing the things that I knew would scare me. I stepped out of my comfort zone and both I and my business really began to boom. My coach doesn’t do the work for me but working with her gives me a sounding board. I say things out loud and they either sound really powerful or they don’t. With her reflection, it is much easier for me to step bravely into the next stage to keep growing my coaching business.

We are moving into a new era here on planet earth — an era of collaboration and community; an era where the dominant energies are love and compassion. It’s time to grow.

I am a business coach and I help heart centred business owners grow those businesses. I am passionate about supporting other coaches, healers and therapists to expand their businesses and to turn that potential into action and real results. Let’s double, treble or even 10 times your heart-centred business together. I’ll coach you for free. All you need to do is schedule a call with me here calendly.com/emmawall



Emma Lucy Wall

Emma is a business coach who helps heart-centred entrepreneurs grow their businesses and their visibility, to make the world a better place for everyone